Triennial Assessment
According to the USDA Final Rule, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) must conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP) a minimum of once every three years, beginning no later than June 30, 2021. The Triennial Assessment requires LEAs to assess compliance with their LSWP and to make this assessment available to the public.
Introduction to the Template
The California Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative (CA LSWP), in collaboration with the California Department of Education, developed this template to assist LEAs with conducting the required Triennial Assessment. LEAs are strongly encouraged, but not required, to use this template when conducting Triennial Assessments. To align closely with the Final Rule Requirements, the Triennial Assessment Template includes four sections- one for each component of the triennial assessment.
For your reference, the CA LSWP created a Final Rule Requirements Table that outlines the LSWP requirements. LEAs should review this information prior to conducting their Triennial Assessment.
The Triennial Assessment is comprised of four components:
1. Comparison to a model Local School Wellness Policy
2. Progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy
3. Extent of compliance for all schools with the District LSWP
4. Triennial Assessment report to the public